崇山峻岭极地行 第二季

崇山峻岭极地行 第二季

  • 主演:Ryan  Pyle  
  • 导演:内详  
  • 分类:欧美综艺
  • 地区:英国
  • 年份:2017
  • 更新:2022-12-07 14:09
  • 简介:  Ryan's human-powered adventures are always inspiring as he proves that anyone can get out and explore the great unknown. Extreme Treks is part adventure, part exploration and part education. Th..
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  Ryan's human-powered adventures are always inspiring as he proves that anyone can get out and explore the great unknown. Extreme Treks is part adventure, part exploration and part education. The best way to understand and respect the world around us is to put yourself right in the path of Mother Nature.
  Episodes: Tanzania, Morocco, China, USA, Peru, Nepal, Italy and Oman.


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